This is officially my first post, it may not seem like a major breakthrough but to me it is a big step to a new beginning. In this blog I hope to document what makes me who I am. This is the view you get to see in a December night of the beautiful city of  Ensenada B.C. I currently reside in Southern California which makes the cities bordering California accessible. My sister and I planned a trip to Ensenada to enjoy the night life with a few friends. It was December and as many of you know it means the holiday's but before you can enjoy that first you have to go through hell also known as finals. Instead of studying for hell my sister and I decided to book a room on airbnb. We were happy with our choice and excited to get drunk and forget about school for a few days. But of course not everything goes as planned our friends bailed. Instead of going with friends we invited one of our brother's. We were on our merry way and decided to invite one of our cousin's who was living about two hours south of Ensenada. She is the one who took us to El Mirador where we were able to see this beautiful view. El Mirador is one of those places that they show in the movies where friends go to hang out and have a few drinks with the bonus of a beautiful view. What this picture does not show is that it was freezing cold and there where a bunch glass bottles all over the floor. The moral of this story is that not all trips go as planned but regardless they may lead to an adventure.
